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βš‘β€ŠπŸ”₯β€Š Works on any body part

βš‘β€ŠπŸ”₯ Get smooth & stay smooth

βš‘β€ŠπŸ”₯ Less hair growth after 1 use

βš‘β€ŠπŸ”₯ One-time cost, no refills

βš‘β€ŠπŸ”₯ Safe on skin, Fast Results

why rosacareskin ipl laser hair removal?

ItsΒ easy to use system & quick results let people overcome their hairiest problem areas and achieve the silky, smooth skin they deserve.

Hair Removal

Never worry about the never-ending routine of shaving again.

Fast Results

Most see a significant reduction of hair growth after just a couple uses, with complete results after 8-12 uses.

Travel safe

Unlike shavers, you can take it with you wherever you go.

Easy to Use

Use stamp mode for precise areas, or glide mode to cover larger areas like the legs

Safe on skin , Easy to Use

RosaCareskin Hair removal

Its easy to use system & quick results let people overcome their hairiest problem areas and achieve the silky, smooth skin they deserve.

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F.A.Q About IPL Laser hair removal

Most customers begin to notice a significant reduction of hair growth after just a couple uses, with complete results after 8-12 uses.

RosaCareSkin IPL laser hair removal is effective for all skin tones & hair colors.

The handset can be used any body part, including the face & brazilian area. We include eye protection for when you laser away hair close to the eyes.

Laser hair removal sessions are done just once per week, within 5-10 minutes.Β Β 

This handset works similarly to clinical laser hair removal & is just as safe. However, if you are using the handset close to the eyes, we recommend wearing the included sunglasses for protection.

Laser hair removal targets the follicles & removes hair from the root – after around 8-12 uses, you will not have to worry about shaving or waxing ever again.

A Brush of Perfection

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