RosaCareSkin Hair Eraser


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Remove Hair Without Shaving

Say goodbye to razor bumps and strawberry legs. With RosaCareSkin Hair Eraser you don’t need to drag a blade across your skin, instead you are effortlessly removing the hair with our crystalline technology, completely pain free! Not only it leaves your skin smooth, it also provides a gentle exfoliation experience making it soft and refreshed.

Diamond Crystal Hair Eraser

The Science Behind Our Technology

The flat surface of the our hair eraser is covered with Nano-Crystals. When rubbed on the surface of the skin it breaks and clumps the hair leaving you with the smooth, hair-free area. Unlike shaving its a lot less intrusive and it does not create a sharp edge on hair which often is an underlying cause for ingrown hair.

Product Advisory: This product is not suitable for sensitive skin or sensitive areas & is most affective on hair longer than stubble (2mm or longer).

Can I use Crystal Eraser on all body parts?

Why Do Our Customers Love It So Much?


“I’m over the moon with this! Ingrown hair and skin irritation has bothered me my entire life. Thanks to RosaCareSkin Hair Eraser I can now have a baby soft buffed up skin every time I use it and forget about ingrown hair.” -Suzanne B.


“I would get strawberry legs each and every time after shaving and I can’t stand the pain from waxing. RosaCareSkin Hair Eraser is an absolute game changer! It made my life so easier, I am never going back to shaving again!” -Emily P


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